Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Creativity in the Classroom

I have read many of the group A student responses and I have chose to comment on two of them.

The first one is http://stacysblog88.blogspot.com/

I thought Stacy brought up one of the most important points Sir Ken Robinson made. He said "If you're not prepared to be wrong, you won't come up with anything creative". Just like Stacy I let the fear of being wrong in answering questions scare me from taking that chance. This is something that I will really need to be aware of when I am teaching. Like Ken Robinson said in the clip students learn in different ways and have different intelligences which is something teachers should be aware of. Also, like Stacy said, we should realize that not all students are meant to be professors which is not a bad thing and as teachers I think it is our responsibility to realize not every student is going to follow the same path.

The second blog I will comment on is http://nilsenbsk11.blogspot.com/

Jeff mentioned something in his post that really stuck out to me. He talked about how Sir Ken Robinson discussed that students creativity is slowly depressed as they move up in the schooling system. Jeff talked about how teachers now prefer students to memorize facts in place of more creative methods. I believe coming up with thought provoking lessons which focus on creative thinking instead of memorization is going to be the hardest challenge as a high school history teacher. I think it is easier for a history teacher to simply give the students dates and names and expect them to memorize the information. I am determined to not do this when I become a teacher. I would much rather the students to develop critical thinking skills and for them not to be afraid to be wrong in the process.

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